The Bloye's

Missionary Aviation

Looking to serve in the Church planting process in PNG


We are the Bloye family.

For the past 15 years we have been preparing and training for Missionary Aviation. We are excited to finally be field ready and to serve with NTM PNG. To find out a little more of our journey, please go to the “About Us” page. 

(Phil 1:6  “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus”).

Our Partner Organizations

“We seek to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by supporting missions in far to reach areas through the use of Aviation.” (Mk 16:15)

Missionary Training

Integral Vision Africa is a branch of an international alliance of church planting organizations we call Global Partners. They work among people groups who have had little to no access to the Bible. Integral Vision was responsible for preparing our family to work on the Mission Field with unreached people groups.
[email protected]

Missionary Aviation Training

Ethnos360 Aviation trained and prepared us in advanced bush and mountain flying techniques so that we may serve on the field of PNG. Their core purpose is to assist the church planting ministries and like minded ministries through the use of aviation to achieve the goal of a thriving church for every people. Website:
[email protected]


If you have any questions about Missionary Aviation or our family journey, please feel free to contact me.

Sandton Bible Church (SBC) is our sending church located in Douglasdale Johannesburg, South Africa. SBC is an evangelical Christian church committed to the Gospel of Christ. They love Jesus, they love people, and they love to study the Bible. We learned the Biblical truth of the Bible through SBC. Website: Email: [email protected]”,