Field of service

Serving with NTM PNG

This is a short video explaining the team we will be serving alongside in Papua New Guinea

How Aviation assists with Missions

This is a short video about how Aviation is an essential tool to the church planting process in PNG

Missionary Aviation is a Lifeline

Aviation is a lifeline to missionaries serving in areas with very little, to no  infrastructure. 


Of the world’s 6,500 people groups, 2,500 are still unreached. Papua New Guinea is one such country where multiple people groups live in area of little to no infrastructure. This allows the people limited opportunity to hear the saving news of Jesus Christ. At NTM PNG missionaries are sent into these far to reach areas, learn the language and culture and then with the permission of the Tribal group begin teaching the Bible. Teaching starts at the beginning just as God started His teaching. Missionaries work Chronologically from creation to Christ building a foundation for understanding Jesus’ death and resurrection. This would be in line with the pattern seen in Acts as God’s people carried out the Great Commission. Missionaries seek to establish mature churches that can take their rightful place as agents of change in their own communities and partners in the Great Commission.


Team Work

Serving in PNG is a team effort which requires both the missionaries in the tribes sharing the good news of Jesus Christ along with the support team that helps make it happen. The support team includes Bible translators, Supply buyers, Maintenance staff and the Aviation Team. 


As our family would be a part of the Aviation team, and as such we would be responsible for the transportation of food and supplies to tribal missionaries and the support bases throughout PNG.  We would also transport translation and church planting consultants and takes children back and forth to school.  Our aircraft acts as the ambulance for medical emergencies, along with carrying goods and commodities for the village people.  In times of drought, flood, and other natural disasters, the plane brings relief for the local population and the missionaries.


Working in PNG is a team effort of people committed to seeing the gospel reaching into every corner of the world.